Based on the Oscar®-winning DreamWorks Animated film, Shrek the Musical returns to the stage in a newly imagined production on a new UK tour from July 2023. Directed and choreographed by Nick Winston and Samuel Holmes with design by Phil Whitcomb, it is produced by Mark Goucher and will open at Theatre Royal Plymouth.
Casting news is that Anthony Lawrence (The Lion King tour, Matilda the Musical) is Shrek, alongside Joanne Clifton (Strictly Come Dancing, Windfall, The Addams Family) as Fiona. Also cast are Brandon Lee Sears (Dreamgirls, Be More Chill, Come From Away) as Donkey/Todrick Hall at the Londopn Hammersmith Apollo with James Gillan (Everybody's Talking About Jamie), playing Lord Faquaad. They will be joined by Cherece Richards (Once on This Island) as the Dragon, with Leo Abad, Scotty Armstrong, Imogen Bailey, Jabari Braham, Georgie Buckland, Natasha Cayabyab, Mark Darcy, Jonathan David Dudley, Remi Ferdinand, Sonny Grieveson, Edward Leigh, Bethany Kate, Jessica Lim, Andile Mabhena, Bronte MacMillan, India Thornton. Talia Duff, Gabby Gregorian, Roy Shafford and Jamie Jonathan.
Set in a mythical “once upon a time” land, Shrek the Musical is the story of a hulking green ogre who, after being mocked and feared his entire life by anything that crosses his path, retreats to an ugly green swamp to exist in happy isolation. Suddenly, a gang of homeless fairy-tale characters including Pinocchio, Cinderella and the Three Pigs, raid his sanctuary, saying they’ve been evicted by the vertically challenged Lord Farquaad who wants to be the next king. . So Shrek strikes a deal: I’ll get your homes back, if you give me my home back
But when Shrek and Farquaad meet, the Lord strikes a deal of his own: He’ll give the fairy-tale characters their homes back, if Shrek rescues Princess Fiona. Shrek obliges and sets offf with his his best friend Donkey, yet finds something appealing and strange about this pretty princess. He likes her a lot - but why does she always run off when the sun sets?.